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类型:动作 言情 都市 犯罪



更新:2022-07-09 18:00:08

简介: Gidseltagningen, created by Kasper Barfoed (Summer Of ’92) based on an idea by Adam Price (Borgen) and Søren Sv…

Gidseltagningen, created by Kasper Barfoed (Summer Of ’92) based on an idea by Adam Price (Borgen) and Søren Sveistrup (The Killing), portrays the hijacking of a Copenhagen subway carriage where three armed terrorists kidnap the fifteen passengers on board.

The series then follows a protracted hostage situation over eight days where the government refuses to pay the ransom, and how the ensuing media coverage shapes events. Johannes Lassen takes the lead as former soldier Philip Nørgaard who heads the Terror Task Force, and Paprika Steen plays news anchor Naja Toft.Gidseltagningen...

由Kasper Barfoed(夏天' 92)基于一个想法通过亚当价格(博根)和S?ren Sveistrup(杀死),描绘了哥本哈根地铁车厢的劫持,三名武装恐怖分子绑架十五机上乘客。本系列接下来是旷日持久的人质劫持事件超过八天,政府拒绝支付赎金,和随后的媒体报道如何塑造事件。约翰内斯·拉森率先前士兵菲利普N?rgaard恐怖专责小组负责人,和辣椒Steen扮演新闻主播眼镜蛇小丘。